10 Totally Random Makeshift Tag Teams That Surprisingly Ruled

1. Team Hell No

Kane, who resembles the serial killer in a slasher film, has had almost as many lives as his cinematic spiritual brothers Michael Myers, Jason Voohres and Freddy Krueger. Just when you think Kane is done in the WWE, he comes back stronger than ever. It really is a testament to the talent of Glen Jacobs that he can make things work time and again. Many fans were writing Kane off after his dismal feud with The Undertaker in late 2010 and similarly poor feuds with Edge, Randy Orton and Khali in 2011. In 2012, however, Kane's career was revitalised via an unlikely partnership with fan favourite Daniel Bryan. After a brief feud with one another Kane and Bryan joined forces to form Team Hell No. They were paired together as part of their quest to overcome anger management issues. The anger management sessions with Kane and Bryan were some of the best comedy WWE has produced in years. In the ring, Kane and Bryan had some fantastic tags and six mans against The Shield. After said matches Kane and Bryan would be encouraged by the audience to 'hug it out'. It was a great act and gave Kane and Bryan something to do. Had they not had Team Hell No, odds are that they would have been floundering. Team Hell No are the epitome of a random makeshift tag team working perfectly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrdxqtJcvus

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...