10 UFC Fighters Who Had Perfect Performances Inside The Octagon

6. Georges St. Pierre Vs. Jon Fitch - UFC 87

If you're one of the many fans who believe that former UFC welterweight & middleweight champion, Georges St. Pierre, is the greatest mixed martial artist of all time, we wouldn't argue with you. The French-Canadian star has proven time and time again that when it comes to competing in mixed martial arts, he's developed a nearly unbeatable skillset.

However, if you were to build the perfect fighter to defeat St. Pierre, what would they need to have? Some may argue that the true way to defeat him was to match his exceptional wrestling, technical striking and underrated cardio. However, if those people believed that Jon Fitch was the man with that skill set, St. Pierre proved that that wasn't the case.

In fact, the five round affair was the perfect example of why GSP was such a special champion. It's not like Fitch didn't put in the effort needed to beat him, it's just that St. Pierre was far better than him in every element of the game. St. Pierre has plenty of masterful performances, but this is surely one of his best.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.