10 UGLIEST Wrestling Championships Ever

8. WWE Greatest Royal Rumble Championship

WWE World Heavyweight Championship thumb

WWE has been repeatedly ridiculed for its needlessly excessive propensity in creating new championships. The aforementioned new World Heavyweight title, for instance, has only been implemented because of WWE's similarly needlessly excessive propensity with Roman Reigns as the Undisputed Universal Champion. Purportedly lacking an applicable successor to Roman, a new title was apparently the only feasible option on offer to WWE.

This wasn't quite the case in April 2018 mind when a new title was created for the sake of having a new title.

Jetting to Jeddah, WWE presented its to-date solitary Greatest Royal Rumble special. Part-Premium Live Event, part-glorified house show, the event's headliner was a bloated Royal Rumble field with fifty scheduled competitors. It didn't matter, of course, as WWE almost instantaneously opted to neglect its existence; the melancholic green Greatest Royal Rumble title, awarded to the namesake bout's victor Braun Strowman, was never again seen on WWE programming.

Effectively a take on the modernised WWE title design, albeit with a radiant green strap not too dissimilar to the Heavyweight title from almost four decades prior, the belt's centrepiece was instead modelled with Arabic patterns which, while a neat touch, was dwarfed by that harrowing green strap.

Coloured belt straps are tolerable - but who thought green was a solid choice? TNA, apparently...


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.