10 UGLIEST Wrestling Championships Ever

6. WWE 24/7 Championship

WWE World Heavyweight Championship thumb

There just wasn't much to it really, was there?

The WWE 24/7 title - what was essentially a re-envisioned take on the fabled Hardcore title of yesteryear, but with more green than a dump left in the swamp by Shrek - could authentically be professed as the aforementioned Big Green WWF Heavyweight title of the pre-Golden Era, minus the egregious sideplates. It had the hideously green strap, the unessentially giant centralised circular plate, and its many, many contenders and indeed holders looked absurd when either in the chase for or holding the title.

It was the Hardcore title in theory alone, defended 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and brought ostensibly rehearsed havoc to WWE on a weekly basis. It should have worked in the modern age, with social media usage at an all-time high and thus opening the floodgates for bonkers skits, but Vince McMahon lost enthusiasm in the belt from the minute Titus O'Neil became the inaugural champion.

So horribly ugly was the 24/7 title, when it came time for the belt to be retired which, admittedly, came three years after many had expected it to be written off, it was dumped in the garbage bin by Nikki Cross (well, nearly), illustrating just how little care WWE had for one of its own championships.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.