10 Unbelievable Wrestling Road Stories (That Actually Happened)

3. Kurt Angle & Vince McMahon Tangle On A Plane

Given the fact that he's a genuine wrestling champion, it's perhaps no surprise that Kurt Angle has had to deal with many guys looking to bring him down a peg or two down throughout the years. What may come as a bit of a shocker is that one of those people was Vince McMahon. During an otherwise unremarkable plane ride, McMahon started ragging on the Olympic Gold Medal winner that he was one of the only men to ever "take him down". Responding the way someone as competitive as Angle is expected to, Kurt challenged McMahon to put his money where his mouth was. What resulted was a pretty wild wrestling match, as both men attempted to out maneuver the other, whilst 10,000 feet in the air on an airplane. Going at it for around 15 minutes (!?), the wrestler and figurehead of the entire company brawled and brawled, eventually waking up The Undertaker, who couldn't believe his eyes at what he was witnessing transpire.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.