10 Unbelievable Wrestling Road Stories (That Actually Happened)

6. CM Punk Bunks With Vince McMahon In Iraq

Speaking of flatulence, that's exactly what none other than Vince McMahon favoured during a routine trip to Iraq for WWE several years ago. Visiting various dignitaries in the country, CM Punk told during a radio interview how his eyes widened when sharing a room with the boss. Sleeping on bunk beds, Punk shared his with JBL, whereas The Undertaker and Edge hunkered down on their own bunks. Everyone agreed that it would be a cool thing to let Vince have his own bunk, and a general who was staying with the wrestlers was given the only solitary double bed in the room. Punk, on the top bunk, was directly next to Vince, who wanted to sleep on the top of his, even though there was a bed free below. There was chatter, before everyone started to drift off and head to sleep. Everyone, that is, apart from McMahon, who proceeded to drop gas loudly. Punk recalled not being able to believe what he was seeing or hearing, listening to Vince's wind and then his infamous chuckle.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.