10 Unbelievably Awful WWE SummerSlam Matches

8. The Great Khali vs. Batista (SummerSlam 2007)

Upon his debut in WWE during the Spring of 2006, even the most casual fan must have realised the company were going to push The Great Khali to the moon. Attacking The Undertaker right off the bat, Khali was presented as a monster heel. Even though he was protected via booking, fans were apathetic once the initial 'wow' factor over his size wore off. By SummerSlam 2007, the giant Indian was programmed opposite World Heavyweight Champion, Batista. The pair were scheduled to battle in the co-main event spot for the title, but the match wasn't that highly anticipated. This wasn't the first time both had tangled, Khali had defeated both Batista and Kane at The Great American Bash, and the tandem had numerous matches on television. At SummerSlam, it seemed like Batista would win back the gold. That didn't happen, a lame disqualification finish ending what had been a poor match. The problem with Khali was his limited ability. Unable to produce lengthy bouts befitting of World Title contests, the gigantic man also didn't have a lot of moves that fans enjoyed watching. The result was a terrible match, one of the worst Batista had featured in since his ascent to the top of the card.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.