10 Most Unbelievably Harsh WWE Releases Ever

3. Rhyno

Rhyno is one of the biggest missed opportunities in WWE history. He had the size, the intensity and the talent to be a main event player. Things looked good for Rhyno for a while and he had many memorable feuds and matches during the Invasion in 2001 and on Smackdown in 2003 after recovering from major neck surgery but it was not to last. After moving to the Raw brand in 2004, he formed a forgettable tandem with Tajiri and floundered. On top of this, things weren't going well for Rhyno in his personal life and there was some serious stress on his marriage. This stress came to the fore during WrestleMania weekend in 2005 where Rhyno got into a loud argument with his soon to be ex-wife at a hotel and caused damage by throwing and smashing a plant pot. Rhyno was released for his actions with the company unhappy that a number of fans saw the incident and that Rhyno was acting unprofessionally. Still, it was a flower pot. If Triple H had smashed a flower pot, would he have been released? Randy Orton was on a mission to destroy hotel rooms at the time and he only got a slap on the wrist. WWE didn't have anything for Rhyno and this was an excuse to let him go. He came back for one night to wrestle at One Night Stand before moving on to TNA and becoming their World Champion.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...