10 Undeniable Wrestling Truths That Don't Make Any Sense

8. Entrance Numbers Don't Matter

wrestling weddings draw

The drawing of Royal Rumble numbers isn't the spectacle it used to be. They don’t even use a bingo cage and brightly coloured numbered balls anymore!

In the 30-participant match, the logical limitations of the human body would play a factor in assessing a challenger’s likelihood of winning the Rumble, facing the champion of their choice, and justifying their gurning and pointing towards the skyward ‘Mania sign. The natural conclusion is that the later a wrestler enters the better their odds.

Although a look at the statistics shows, of the 38 recognised Rumble matches, #30 has only produced three winners. The exact same success rate as #1. Further, a participant has almost as much chance of winning from entering in the first three as the final three (#1-#3 has produced seven winners, #28-#30 includes eight victors).

Trying to apply real-world reasoning to the chaos that takes place every January is a pointless endeavour. The glaring truth is that entrance number has little effect on a Rumble performance. But every year #30 receives the rub from every wrestling analyst from the pre-show hype to the in-match commentary.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.