10 Unique Pitches To Save Struggling AEW Stars

6. Miro

Kamille Mercedes Mone

Is Miro still even employed by AEW?! He supposedly asked for his release, but nothing of the sort has been confirmed by any parties. As fans and spectators on the outside, we're left to just guess if he's sitting out the remainder of his contract before going back to WWE, wants to go elsewhere, doesn't want to wrestle for anyone anymore, or is simply hanging around with nothing to do like he's largely done for the bulk of his AEW run.

If it is a case of business is usual, where Tony Khan still wants to potentially use him, he still wants to be a part of this company in return, and it's just a matter of not agreeing on making him a big enough star, that's where Ring of Honor once again comes into play.

Clearly, if Khan saw Miro as a true top-tier main-eventer in AEW, he'd have been in a spot similar to Samoa Joe. Since that didn't happen, his Redeemer character and the TNT Championship run is all we have to go by, but that's still more than enough legacy, combined with his WWE career, to put him as the top guy in ROH.

Have Miro win the ROH World Championship and steamroll opponents for a year. It'll make him happy, he'll finally be a world champion, and it will freshen up that roster. It's that simple.


Founder of pro wrestling site Smark Out Moment (https://www.smarkoutmoment.com) and geek culture site Fanboys Anonymous (https://www.fanboysanonymous.com).