10 Unlikely Wrestling Faction Members That Totally Worked

4. Rikishi (Too Cool)

The Authority Seth Rollins Joey Mercury Jamie Noble

Several things had to happen to reach the dance offs seen above.

First, Rikishi had to agree to do what Yokozuna wouldn't and shed the tights underneath his sumo mawashi. Second, Scott Taylor and Brian Christopher had to embrace Vince Russo's plan to turn them into an uncool counterpoint to the definitely cool Hardy Boyz. Once all of that was in place, the people were ready for Too Cool.

Rikishi aligned with Scotty 2 Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay in November 1999, and the trio had some ride together. Fatu's going-nowhere career (gimmicks like The Sultan had tanked) was reignited, and he gave a tag-team like the ex-Too Much a focal point. They rocked the tag division, whereas big Kish was a singles smash.

You would not have guessed that a modern retelling of Yokozuna's sumo gimmick could literally jive with two dudes doing their very best to be uncool. Together, Too Cool turned into one of the WWF's most over acts in the year 2000. Fans yelled their approval with booming chants of "Ra-keesh-eee! Ra-keesh-eee! Ra-keesh-eee!".


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.