10 Unsung Heroes Of WCW

6. Disco Inferno

The Disco Inferno character was one that should, by rights, have never made it past the opening match. It was a comedy character, and those are strictly opening match material and, usually, have a limited shelf life (funny don't equal money and all that). The lower midcard is exactly where Disco resided for the first year of his WCW career. But the gimmick got over and his act of forgetting how to apply his own finisher, was a riot. He received a mini push in the cruiserweight division in 1996 and that push grew bigger when he turned heel a couple of years later and joined the nWo Wolfpac. He was never a top notch wrestler or anything, but he usually gave everything his all and tried his best to make it work. You begin to get an idea of Dicso's preference for entertainment over wrestling action when you hear about some of the ideas he put forward when he was made a booking assistant (under his friend Vince Russo, of course). These included a martian invasion of WCW and an 'invisible man' character (that would be introduced via a series of vignettes). Crazy or what? His storyline ideas might have been a little bit out there, but in the ring he was a capable worker and capable of having a good match when the occasion called for it. He doesn't really get the credit he deserves, probably because of the cheesy gimmick.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...