10 Unsung Heroes Of WCW

5. Kanyon

Ask yourself this: who better than Kanyon? Kanyon toiled for years as an independent worker and enhancement talent, while also pursuing a career as a physical therapist, before he was signed by WCW in 1995. Months of training at the Power Plant and waiting by the fine ensued, before he was thrown a lifeline in the form of Mortis. The Mortis character was a hit and Kanyon spent much of his time battling with the other Mortal Kombat come to life characters Glacier, Wrath and Ernest Miller. One that whole thing had run its course, Kanyon took off the mask and started wrestling under his real name, receiving a solid midcard push having good matches with Chris Benoit, Perry Saturn and Raven. The 'Innovator of Offense' was one of the shining lights of WCW's dying days. He seemed determined to steal the show whenever possible, even if that meant taking some truly insane bumps in the process (his bump off the triple cage remains jaw-dropping). By the time WCW was on its last legs, Kanyon was feuding with his good friend DDP, a feud that went unresolved after WWE bought WCW. Kanyon didn't have a good WWE career at all. He was buried as a member of The Alliance, tore his ACL, trained hard for a comeback in OVW and was buried upon his return in early 2004, before being unceremoniously released. His WWE run may have been a washout, but Kanyon was one of the unsung heroes of WCW, selfless almost to a fault.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...