10 Ups & 1 Down From NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day


1. Some Late Sloppiness

Raquel Gonzalez Dakota Kai Shotzi Blackheart

First, a minor niggle.

The opening women's tag was damn good, but it did seem to lose a bit of slickness during the second half. It all started when WWE's cameras caught Ember Moon talking Raquel González through some upcoming spots, and the match struggled to recover for a few minutes after that.

All four women seemed to lose their bearings here and things got rather sloppy. It's the most minor of criticisms, and yet it's totally valid - that three-minute spell of slop threatened to kill the buzz they'd spent ages creating, and that's a shame.

It was almost like these women were so eager to please that they tried to over-egg the pudding and do way too much. Things seemed to get right on top of Shotzi Blackheart and González, in particular. Again, a slightly trivial 'Down', but one that definitely deserves to be mentioned.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.