10 Ups & 3 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Aug 9)

3. The New LAX

Unsurprisingly, the World Tag Team Championships between defending champions The North and the challenging team of Ortiz and Daga was a spectacular tag team encounter. What was a surprise though was how well Ortiz and Daga worked as a cohesive unit. Obviously, Konnan's plan worked, and he now has a team that can bring the tag gold back home.

Throughout the entire match, all four men showcased their abilities, as is often the case with Impact's high-profile multi-man matches. Daga connected with an impressive standing shooting star press, whereas Ethan Page and Josh Alexander showed everyone why they deserve to be at the top of the mountain within Impact's tag team division. When push came to shove, it would be Ortiz who cost his team the titles, being pinned after The North downed him with the Loch Ness Lowdown (an assisted spinebuster variation).

No matter the end result, Konnan can't be irked by his team losing the match. Ortiz and Daga both put in one hell of an effort (especially in the latter's case). If they keep up performances like this one, then who knows, maybe they'll find themselves challenging for the titles again sooner rather than later.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.