10 Ups & 3 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Aug 9)

2. Statement Made

Su Yung vs. Havok. That's got money written all over it.

During Havok's Knockouts Championship challenge against Taya Valkyrie, Su Yung (Havok's former ally) got involved, costing her former pal the chance to win the aforementioned championship for the second time in her career. Havok was actually on the cusp of winning the championship as well, slamming the champ into the mat with a massive chokeslam before Su's music hit.

'The Undead Bride' was able to reverse Havok's chokeslam by putting her hand in her mouth while wearing a red glove, before sending her packing from the ring after executing two running palm strikes to the face. This wasn't anything too much, and it didn't have to be. There's plenty of time to let this one play out - in terms of this rivalry, it's one that should play out a bit longer. Something really special could be crafted here if it's given the right amount of time.

As has been mentioned for a few rivalries in this specific article, have them collide at Bound For Glory. By the looks of things, that could be an outstanding night of action.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.