10 Vince McMahon WWE Creations Triple H Must Destroy

6. Thrown-Together Female Tag-Teams

Triple H Sledgehammer

Christ, that Women's Tag-Team division is still rubbish.

Hopes were high that it'd receive more attention post-McMahon, but that hasn't really happened. No, Trips has been making exactly the same errors as his father-in-law, which is very annoying to see. Chief amongst fan grumbles? The baffling decision to promote thrown-together tags rather than develop full-time ones.

Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah won WWE's tournament to crown new female tag champs over the summer. Then, they lost the belts quickly to Damage CTRL members IYO SKY and Dakota Kai. Then, WWE followed up on that by randomly turning Shotzi babyface without any explanation and making her Raquel's latest tag partner.


This was a recurring theme under Vince's watch, but it should've been abolished by 'The Game' as soon as he took charge of creative matters. SKY and Kai work because they're clearly presented as full-time partners on TV. Rodriguez and Shotzi don't because they're...not. Is that really so hard to understand?

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