10 Vintage WrestleMania Matches That Ended In Disqualification

3. Yokozuna (c) (with Jim Cornette And Mr. Fuji) Vs. Lex Luger – World Heavyweight Championship

Triple H Kane chairshot

WrestleMania X

20 March 1994

Madison Square Garden, New York

With Donnie Wahlberg as guest ring announcer and Mr. Perfect as guest referee, the crowd popped for one. It wasn’t the guy from New Kids on the Block.

Yokozuna’s draw wasn’t speed or technical prowess, it was his size. One storyline that played out in his matches was his opponent’s challenge in overcoming this size advantage by adapting to a wrestling style that excluded most slam manoeuvres. Lex Luger managed to build offence and momentum. As his confidence grew, he attempted a bodyslam, only for Yokozuna to fall on top of him for a two count.

Yokozuna slowed the match down to his pace with a neck pinch. Luger eventually mounted a comeback taking Yokozuna off his feet with a clothesline. His second attempt at a bodyslam was successful - even if Jerry Lawler claimed it was merely a hip toss.

The DQ:

While Yokozuna was down and out, Luger threw both of Yokozuna’s managers into the ring and roughed them up. Mr. Perfect ignored two pin attempts by Luger, first to check on Jim Cornette and second Mr. Fuji. In frustration Luger put his hands on Perfect, who in turn disqualified him.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.