10 Vintage WrestleMania Matches That Ended In Disqualification

2. Jeff Jarrett (c) (with The Roadie) Vs. Razor Ramon (with The 1-2-3 Kid) – Intercontinental Championship

Triple H Kane chairshot

WrestleMania XI

2 April 1995

Hartford Civic Center, Connecticut

Jeff Jarrett stole the spotlight from the get-go with his white and red flashing cowboy getup. However, The 1-2-3 Kid’s silk kimono-esque karate gi was rather striking. Razor Ramon and The Kid cleaned house to get their pose in the fireworks moment.

Ramon dished out most of the early offence. He attempted a Razor’s Edge early on, only for The Roadie to jump on the apron and pull ‘Double J’ to safety. Jarrett tried to leave the match but was confronted on the ramp by The Kid, who scared him back to the ring with some karate stances.

‘Double J’ managed to take control of the match, slowing it down with a sleeper hold. When ‘The Bad Guy’ came back, both men continued to trade rapid reversals and a figure four leg lock intended to work Ramon’s previously injured knee. Soon after both men wrestled to their feet, Ramon attempted a backdrop but his knee gave out.

The DQ:

Despite his injury, Ramon attempted to put Jarrett away with a Razor’s Edge, however, Roadie again targeted the knee, triggering a disqualification. The Kid fought off ‘Double J’ and Roadie with an impressive arsenal of kicks, giving Jarrett a bloody nose.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.