10 Ways NXT Got Its Groove Back


Lola Vice

Even the most optimistic wrestling fan would have to admit NXT has had a rough time of it these past few years.

After the golden era of 2015-2018, the show hit a slump following the emergence of AEW in 2019. The Wednesday Night Wars - where NXT went head-to-head with AEW Dynamite - saw NXT routinely drubbed by the upstart promotion, as fans turned away from a show that felt like Triple H was booking a bizarre pastiche of his own wrestling career (drab promos, po-faced presentation and matches so self-consciously epic they bordered on parody).

What followed next was, somehow, even worse.

The neon-splattered NXT 2.0 was a perfect representation of the decaying minds that birthed it. A hopeless attempt by a group of septuagenarian sociopaths to connect with a younger audience, NXT 2.0 was an embarrassing farrago of gimmicks that were hokey at best and downright offensive at worst

Fortunately, however, NXT has seen a resurgence over the past year. For a variety of reasons - from the development of its younger talent, to a generous approach to cross-promotion - NXT has escaped from the shadows of its recent past and emerged as a credible contender in the wrestling landscape once more. So if you're a lapsed viewer, or have never seen the show , let's take a look at why now is the perfect time to dive into WWE's most under-rated program.

10. Out With The Old...

Lola Vice

Finn Balor, 2016; Gargano/Ciampa, 2018; Adam Cole, 2019.

Like vintage wine to a sommelier, recalling these names and dates can't help but bring a smile to the faces of any wrestling fan. Each of these wrestlers was responsible for making NXT appointment viewing, and they all played a crucial role in turning WWE's developmental program into the hottest wrestling show on the planet.

Unfortunately, like a vintage wine left open for too long, these NXT icons eventually soured and left a bitter taste in fans' mouths.

The implosion of Adam Cole's Undisputed Era faction, which had the potential to be the hottest storyline in NXT history, instead resulted in a sluggish morass of self-indulgent matches; Gargano and Ciampa's legendary feud stretched on too long and ended with the abysmally poor One Final Beat (aptly described by WhatCulture's Michael Hamflett as  "One Giant W*nk); and Finn Balor's return to the brand as an ultra-serious veteran waszzzzzzzz...

These men deserve all the respect in the world for what they accomplished in NXT's black-and-gold days, but they needed to move on so NXT could start building for the future.  Which is not to say that NXT's renovation happened overnight...


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.