10 Ways This Has Been The Best WWE WrestleMania Build In YEARS!

5. CM Punk

Rock Cody Rhodes

Love him or loathe him, few can hold a candle to the sheer aura of CM Punk. After all, how many people could increase the hype for one of WrestleMania's biggest matches to even greater heights by announcing their appearance as a guest commentator, of all things?

Punk's scorching promo battle with World Heavyweight Championship contenders Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre elevated the latter pair's World Heavyweight bout into genuine can't-miss TV. While credit needs to be shared between all three men, there's no doubt that the Chicagoan added the X-factor that turns a good program into a great one.

When CM Punk plays ball, few are better at elevating the talent around them due to the genuine emotion he inspires in people. Hell, McIntyre's phenomenal heel work has been largely derived from his supposed animosity towards the real-life Phil Brooks.

A contented Punk is a genuine boon for any wrestling promotion, and having him at WrestleMania - even as a commentator - guarantees at least one major highlight on the night.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.