10 Ways TNA Impact Wrestling Can Improve In 2015

6. Make Your Champions Important

One of WWE's biggest problems these days is every person on the roster, other than John Cena, that wins a title of any type immediately turns into someone who loses and loses and loses. Often, you'll see someone win the United States or Intercontinental Title, and then proceed to lose several non-title matches on television, followed by losing the title in their first or second defense, and they come out of the whole thing looking weak. TNA can't do things like that. When someone wins a title in TNA, they should immediately be elevated to a different level. Whether it's their World Champion, their X-Division Champion, their Tag Team Champions or their Knockouts Champion... when someone gets a title, they should be booked to look strong. If they look strong, the title looks strong, and it becomes more valuable. It doesn't have to be title matches that the champions are winning, either. They can win the title, and then win non-title and random matches, too. Another WWE mistake is when they put the champion(s) against the challenger(s) 800 times in a row during a single feud, making each match mean less and less. If, say, Samoa Joe beats Austin Aries for the X-Division Title, we don't need to see some form of Joe VS Aries on every show for the next two months, no matter how much in-ring chemistry they have. Give them the occasional match, but make it a tag match or something, and keep their interaction in that match to a minimum. Make their one-on-one match mean something. It's not that hard.

Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.