10 Ways To Make Cesaro A WWE Main Event Star

2. Book Him As A Wrestling Machine Who Can't Be Matched

Cesaro is one of the better in-ring workers on the entire WWE roster. In truth, professional wrestling is his main strength overall. WWE seem to have a problem simply pushing workhorse wrestlers nowadays, because they lean more towards the art of the promo than anything else. If a wrestler looks good and can talk, that seems to be far more important to the company. That's not to say that hard-working wrestlers with an emphasis on actual wrestling can't get over. Looking to the past, Chris Benoit was never especially strong on the microphone, but his in-ring skills were simply too good to pass up. Cesaro is in the same boat, he has strengths that others at the top of the card don't possess. For example, John Cena is a very good talker, but he's not regarded as the best technician inside the ring. Cesaro isn't necessarily amazing during promos, but he can wrestle rings around almost everybody. The main event scene should include a real mix, so WWE really need to start booking Cesaro as an unstoppable force when the bell rings.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.