10 Ways To Make Cesaro A WWE Main Event Star

1. Work With Him (Not Against Him)

Too often, WWE seem to get cold feet when deciding whether or not they want to get behind a wrestler. One minute, the writing staff can't get enough of a performer. The next, they're an afterthought, jobbing to others around them with alarming regularity. Cesaro is smack bang in the middle of that category, he's someone the creative team don't really know what to do with. Taking that next step is vital. It'd be a real waste of natural talent if WWE don't at least try to work with Cesaro and hone his skills. As aforementioned, his in-ring ability is virtually unmatched, and he's clearly popular with a lot of older stars. Guys like Mick Foley and Steve Austin extol his virtues regularly. That has to count for something, those men know what they're talking about. Instead of shunning the fact fans naturally enjoy Cesaro's work, WWE management need to move forward in conjunction with the wrestler. It's likely he has grievances, and they should be aired. Naturally, given Vince McMahon's previous words, WWE have their own hesitations. These are things that need to be spoken about if Cesaro is ever going to main event on a regular basis. What other thing do you think WWE could do to make Cesaro a main event star? What do you make of the entries posted here? Let us know what you think down in the comments section below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.