10 Ways To Make Cesaro A WWE Main Event Star

3. Let Him Vent In Shoot Style About Vince McMahon Comments

In a roundabout way, WWE have kind of addressed the words uttered by Vince McMahon on Steve Austin's WWE Network special. Naming Cesaro as a terrific worker, McMahon also remarked that he was missing a few pieces that could help turn him into a star. Seemingly overnight, there was mass debate over whether or not Vince was right to say such things. Bashing your own employees on a public forum is not good business, that much is for sure. Maybe McMahon was trying to light a fire underneath Cesaro, but would that not have been better done privately? It's hard to imagine McMahon saying similar things on commentary about Bret Hart, for example, in the early-90's. Even if the boss had reservations, they were kept to one-on-one discussion. There are certainly worse ideas than having Cesaro talk about what McMahon said. WWE.com did publish an article that included Cesaro talking about the statement, but it wasn't exactly confrontational. Shoot comments worked for CM Punk, turning him from someone the company weren't sure about into a genuine star. Cesaro could be the same, only this time his 'shoot' words wouldn't necessarily need to be true. Simply having him address them properly in a promo, and making it part of a storyline, could help.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.