10 Ways To Make Cesaro A WWE Main Event Star

6. Resist Any Token Swiss Stereotypes (Yodelling)

It's been said that WWE love to think of their wrestlers as all-round performers. Contracted talent don't just have to look a certain way, they must be willing to do exactly what is asked of them. Even if something is outside of their comfort zone, they're expected to adapt, and quickly. For that very reason, Cesaro was lumbered with one very silly idea a few years ago. On his way to the ring, the native of Switzerland would yodel. This made fans cringe, but not in the positive sense. Instead of viewing Cesaro as an effective heel, audiences felt sorry for him, being booked to make a fool of himself. It was a woeful piece of writing, and really didn't help the man whatsoever. Going forward, the company have to avoid more of that kind of thing. It's fine to play up the fact that Cesaro is Swiss, because that could actually work in his favour. Different flavours should be encouraged on WWE television, but silly stereotypes seem lazy. Cesaro should be proud of his heritage, but how many Swiss people actually go around yodelling to show where they're from?
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.