10 Ways To Make Cesaro A WWE Main Event Star

5. Change Up His Look

There's nothing necessarily wrong with Cesaro's look, but WWE have long been obsessed with image. A fresh look could be something that reinvigorates Cesaro in the eyes of Vince McMahon and other company officials. Earlier this year, it certainly worked for Sheamus, who seems to be getting taken seriously again after years of mediocrity. In many respects, Cesaro is in a similar position to the one Sheamus found himself in before his sabbatical. Of course, the Irishman had already captured the WWE Title on numerous occasions, and was a multi-time World Heavyweight Champion. Sheamus has been a favourite ever since his main roster debut, but Cesaro fits into the upper mid card bracket too. He's on the cusp. Before Sheamus returned with a new look, he was the kind who could be relied upon for a good match. That was about it, the promotion didn't seem interested in pushing him, but he's getting a response from crowds for his new hair and overall aesthetic. That's something which could be explored with Cesaro too. It's something that may as well be tried, because WWE can be fickle with these things.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.