10 Ways To Make Cesaro A WWE Main Event Star

4. Embrace 'Cesaro Section' Support

To their credit, the WWE cameras do pick up on the 'Cesaro Section' signs in the audience at events. The announcers occasionally make mention of the placards, but they're never really cited as anything truly meaningful. A natural connection between wrestler and fan should definitely be encouraged. In fact, it's sometimes better if it's organic, because then the company has the fans hooked instantly. Sadly, Vince McMahon doesn't seem to enjoy when fans decide something is great when he hasn't deemed it so. Looking at past examples such as Zack Ryder and Daniel Bryan, WWE are weirdly hesitant about pushing ideas they haven't necessarily come up with. However, if they don't really have any ideas for Cesaro to begin with, why not push the fact fans like him without prompting? If people are reacting this way to the 'Swiss Superman' without strong booking, just imagine how they'd rejoice if he was pushed? There should be a concerted effort to make the Cesaro Section grow and grow. Let the man talk about it on television, and have commentators mention it even when he's not on camera.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.