10 Ways Wrestlers Faces Were Altered Forever Because Of Wrestling

3. New Jack Is Blind In One Eye

Finn Balor broken jaw

As his theme song suggested, New Jack came across as a Natural Born Killa and wasn’t someone to cross in wrestling. If you did, there’d be consequences.

At ECW’s Living Dangerously pay-per-view (2000) New Jack wrestled Vic Grimes to a brutal no-contest. At one point in the match they were supposed to both fall from a huge 20-foot high scaffolding rig onto tables below. There was some miscommunication between the two, with New Jack falling and grabbing at Grimes to make him follow. Grimes, a giant weighing over 300 pounds, landed directly on New Jack’s head. Brain fluid immediately leaked out of his Jack’s nose after falling. He suffered a skull fracture and has been blind in one eye ever since.

There was major heat directed at Grimes afterwards from Jack, with the two somehow getting booked in the same match again in a scaffold match for XPW in 2002. Looking for revenge, Jack for real tasered Grimes high above the ring and sent him crashing to the ring from 40-feet high. New Jack has gone on record as saying he intended to kill Grimes with the fall. Grimes shockingly survived.

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Finn Balor
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