10 Ways WWE 2K14 Is Better Than Actual WWE Television
3. Real Star Power
One of the big issues facing modern day WWE is the underdeveloped talent roster. It's the biggest reason that the company is constantly having to bring in part time stars, the full time workers just can't get over enough. While you sit and watch Raw, through yet another 3MB match perhaps, consider you could play 2K14 and have a huge roster at your disposal instantly. Brock Lesnar isn't a part-timer on this roster he's an instantly available character among the full time wrestlers. The same can be said of The Rock and Triple H. Whereas WWE is for real struggling to get talent, the computer game is the vision of what the company should be laced with star power. Beyond the list of instantly available stars, WWE 2K14 also boasts a dazzling array of unlockable wrestlers - a real who's who of major stars from WWE history. You can wrestle in the prime of Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Ultimate Warrior and numerous other legends. It's the greatest fully fit roster in wrestling history, and it's in your hands.