10 Ways WWE Can Get More From Dean Ambrose

5. Ditch The Ambrose Asylum Talk Show Idea

Dean Ambrose

The Ambrose Asylum will never be Piper's Pit, face it. Heck, at this point Dean's talk show segment is struggling to top Miz TV as WWE's favourite go to chat skit. Pretending the Asylum has ever been entertaining is only harming Ambrose further, because he doesn't need a saccharine platform to kickstart feuds.

As a reckless warrior who loves adrenaline and getting in the faces of others, why would Dean Ambrose need his own talk show anyway? This is akin to handing Bray Wyatt his own insert and calling it the 'Wyatt Compound' or something equally as silly. None of these guys are Jimmy Fallon, so WWE should move away from the host idea completely for dudes like Ambrose.

His promos should be full of organic passion, fighting talk and testosterone. What Dean shouldn't be doing is inviting rivals onto his homogenised Asylum and acting all buddy buddy with them before things inescapably go sour. Leave this sort of thing to The Miz, WWE.

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