10 Ways WWE Can Still Salvage WrestleMania 36

7. Introduce A WrestleMania Alternative

The Undertaker AJ Styles

WrestleMania now can't happen as originally planned, so why not introduce a brand new show to go some way in filling the void? Featuring the same big money matches, this WWE Network special could be made to feel like a big deal, all while protecting the WrestleMania brand.

After all, even though this situation is completely out of WWE's control, they probably don't want to host a WrestleMania that doesn't live up to the lofty expectations of fans. An edition of the Show of Shows without an audience wouldn't exactly be remembered fondly, so going down a completely different route might not be the worst idea.

WWE can't travel overseas or even find a state where a mass gathering of any sort will be allowed, so it's not as if WrestleMania can suddenly be moved.

As a result, making use of those many trademarks to hold a new PPV which delivers these matches and something completely different seems like a smart move. Who knows, perhaps now is the right time to bring back Spring Stampede?


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.