9. Create A Parodic Character

WWE could go down a route they have a couple of times before and create a couple of parodies in Punk's honour. The most notable spoofs were The Huckster, Scheme Gene and The Nacho man. Obviously cast offs of Hulk Hogan, Mean Gene Okerlund and 'Macho Man' Randy Savage. WWE aired skits in 1996 poking fun at WCW owner Ted Turner and two of his top stars who had left WWE to join their rivals. 'Billionaire Ted's Wrasslin' War Room' portrayed The Huckster and Nacho Man as old has-beens who continued to want to wrestle well past their prime, even having a "geriatric" match at WrestleMania XII, with Billionaire Ted being the referee. The pair even had an interview on Larry King, no wait, 'Larry Fling Live.' Another time WWE did this involved the HULKster once again, this time during his rivalry with Shawn Michaels in 2005. Michaels, complete with Hogan costume and zimmer frame, guest stared on the returning Larry Fling Live.