10 Ways WWE SummerSlam 2015 Could've Been Saved

8. Have A Better Reason For Why Sheamus And Orton Are Feuding

Undertaker Brock Lesnar SummerSlam Finish

The opener for SummerSlam 2015 featured a tough-as-nails Gaelic warrior with a devastating arsenal taking on a twelve-time World Champion with one of the most popular finishing moves in the entire WWE. If that description sounds like a license to print money, and you found yourself disappointed in what actually transpired at SummerSlam, then congratulations…you’re just like the countless thousands who were left underwhelmed by the show’s opener.

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton was a match that just screamed ‘thrown together last minute’, and it showed all the problems WWE has when it comes to keeping match-ups fresh. Was Sheamus only attacking Orton because he cost him one match? Does Orton STILL have some unfinished business with Sheamus? Would either man benefit in a major way if either of them won at such a major show? 

None of these questions were answered, and so fans were left with a contest that was just put on the show solely for the sake of putting two former World Champions together.

This is yet another feud that would’ve benefited greatly from a better storyline explanation as to why they’re feuding. Adding a simple stipulation (for example: winner faces the WWEWHC at the next PPV) would’ve done wonders for the match, making it more dramatic, and would’ve allowed fans to invest in it more. Every nearfall would’ve made people care more, and both men would be presented as true main eventers once again.


Alexander Podgorski is a writer for WhatCulture that has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was 8 years old. He loves all kinds of wrestling, from WWE and sports entertainment, to puroresu in Japan. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen's University in Political Studies and French, and a Master's Degree in Public Administration. He speaks English, French, Polish, a bit of German, and knows some odd words and phrases in half a dozen other languages.