10 Ways WWE Will Respect Sting In 2015

8. Protect His Image

For years, fans have compared Sting to The Undertaker. It's a comparison that is logical on many levels and one that has persisted for a very long time. Both had strong loyalties to their companies and both represented the best that WCW and WWE had to offer. It was after Sting began wearing the black and white that the comparisons truly began to manifest among fans, who viewed both characters as being cut from the same cloth. In another place and another time, Sting and The Undertaker could quite possibly have had many legendary feuds. Therein lies one of the major similarities between Sting and Taker; their images. While WCW did a fairly good job of protecting Sting's image, the fact is that WWE has done an incredible job of protecting Taker. Though photos of The Deadman out of character have leaked online over the years, the fact is that WWE does not expose Undertaker as just a regular guy. The company realizes just how important Taker's image is and how vital it is to his legacy to protect it at all costs. The same must also happen for Sting, especially now that he is in the fold. His debut in WWE was perhaps the most important moment in his career and a historical moment for that company. To allow Sting to be seen as anything other than the dark and shadowy figure he is would be doing a great disservice to him and the character that he has worked so hard to build.

Host of Tom Clark's Main Event, WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report and a Contributor for the Camel Clutch Blog http://tomclarkbr.wix.com/blog tomclarksmainevent.libsyn.com