10 WCW Moments That Still Haunt Wrestling Fans

1. Vince Russo Wins The World Title

Whilst David Arquette winning the World Title was bad, at least the actor had some celebrity behind him. The same cannot be said for Vince Russo, who went from penning excellent television in the WWF to booking himself as WCW's World Champion. In September, 2000, Russo won a Steel Cage Match against Booker T. Driven through the side of the structure by Goldberg or not, the fact was that the writer became WCW World Champ. It could be argued that WCW was dead as a company by this point, but it still doesn't excuse the idiocy. In Russo's words, he simply wanted people talking about World Championship Wrestling again. A lot of folks were, but it wasn't in glowing terms. For many fans, the sheer chaos continually occurring in the promotion was too much, people didn't want to see what was being presented. Instead of prompting people to see what might happen next, Vince Russo's one week reign with the belt only turned more fans away from WCW. Just 7 days after capturing the thing, Russo decided to forfeit the belt. This made the entire exercise utterly pointless, and hammered yet another nail into the coffin of a once-great promotion. What other WCW moments have haunted you ever since? Do you remember the moments listed here? Let us know what you think of them down in the comments section below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.