10 WCW Moments That Weren’t Supposed To Happen

8. "Hulk Hogan, We Comin' For You..."

Harlem Heat Booker T Hulk Hogan Promo

Booker T probably wished he'd been literally chomped by a snake one year earlier at Spring Stampede 1997. There, live on pay-per-view, he called top star Hulk Hogan the dreaded 'n' word (it won't be repeated here, not even with token symbols to replace incriminating letters).

Sherri Martel laughed, Stevie Ray looked unfazed, Gene Okerlund continued and Booker buried his head in his hands. He surely thought he'd be in serious trouble with Turner top brass afterwards. They had shareholders to appease, and WCW operated under strict 'family friendly' guidelines.

Using controversial slurs was bad enough, but Booker had done it to golden boy Hogan. Worse, his promo was actually spot on before he got carried away, forgot where he was and reached for something he shouldn't have from his subconscious.

If only he'd said "sucka" instead. If only.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.