10 WCW Moments You Totally Don’t Remember

9. Jesse Ventura's Arm Wrestling Invitational

Sid Vicious Maxx Payne

Long before Vince McMahon was dreaming of spicing up his programming with the ill-fated 'Brawl For All' tournament, WCW chiefs planned the Jesse Ventura Arm Wrestling Invitational and proceeded to promote the thing like it was the greatest idea ever. It wasn't.

Ever thought bodyslams and powerbombs were over-rated or wanted to see Sid Vicious and Maxx Payne lock arms in a struggle to force the other's hand down? Well, the Jesse Ventura Arm Wrestling Invitational was the segment for you. Debuting in 1992, these arm wrestling 'matches' droned on and on, eating up valuable TV time that could've been used to promote, y'know, actual wrestling.

Vicious vs. Payne was actually from the 1993 tournament, because someone in WCW believed the first run had been such a smash hit in '92. Even top stars like Steve Austin, Ron Simmons, Davey Boy Smith, and Vader entered this nonsense.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.