10 WCW Moments You Totally Don’t Remember

5. Goldberg Refusing To 'Follow The Script'

goldberg wcw

Goldberg's heel turn in the summer of 2000 was bad enough, but booking him to deviate from the 'script' at New Blood Rising that August was torturous to fans trying to enjoy WCW programming. This was another Russo brainwave, to have Bill refuse to take a Kevin Nash powerbomb and walk out on his match.

As the announcers bemoaned the fact Goldberg was refusing to do the job for Nash as planned, fans in attendance sat on their hands wondering what the hell was going on. Russo was trying to appeal to smart fans who reveled in what happened backstage. All he did was annoy those who still believed in WCW's product.

Scott Steiner was even applauded by the company for doing the 'right thing' and losing for Nash after Goldberg walked out. Talk about irritating, this bogus peeling back of the curtain was another nail in WCW's coffin, and deserves way more criticism than it gets.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.