10 WCW Moments You Totally Don’t Remember

4. Warrior Kidnapping The Disciple

Warrior The Disciple

Did anybody in WCW have more names than Ed Leslie? When he wasn't Brother Bruti, The Butcher, or (ironically) The Man With No Name, he was The Zodiac, The Booty Man, or The Disciple. Perhaps the only surprise is that he wasn't 'The Hair Dresser' or 'The Hedge Trimmer' as a nod towards his gimmick of The Barber in the WWF.

By the time he was Hollywood Hogan's Disciple in the nWo, Leslie found himself kidnapped by an incoming Warrior for the purpose of furthering WCW's biggest feud of 1998. It was pretty odd to see a supposed top babyface abduct another human, hang him from his feet and then offer to mentor him though.

Even more baffling, the 'One Warrior Nation' (y'know, nWo backwards, or oWn) gimmick Warrior was using made no sense when The Disciple became a member. Fans generally remember Warrior's rekindled rivalry with Hogan in WCW, but not much attention is paid to the Disciple kidnapping.

It was short-lived, and thank God for that.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.