10 WCW PPV Concepts WWE Should Revive

9. Road Wild

fall bralw

Say what you will about WCW, no-one can accuse them of playing it safe and not experimenting. For all their flaws, WCW never had a problem diverting from the tried and tested route of traditional pro wrestling and trying something different. Road Wild was definitely one of those unorthodox diversions.

Held annually at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally from '96 to '99, the biker themed PPV was unlike anything WCW had ever produced. In fact, few events in any company have had the distinctive presentation of WCW’s Road Wild, with its primarily adult crowd and its notable soundtrack of revving motorbike engines.

A free-to-attend event, Road Wild was an open-air show held in Dakota each August. While admittedly short-sighted with its lack of ticket revenue, the vibe of the event was starkly different to anything WWE offered at the time and, with a few minor adjustments (chiefly the introduction of paid ticketing), could well be something that would work in modern day WWE.

A rowdy Road Wild crowd would totally eat up an appearance from a “take no prisoners” badass like Brock Lesnar, while a bike-loving star like a Baron Corbin cashing in his MITB briefcase at Sturgis would be a match made in biker heaven.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!