10 WCW Stars That WWE Ruined

8. Kronik

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You remember these dudes, right? Veteran wrestlers Bryan Clark and Brian Adams had both already had tenures in WWE under the guises of Adam Bomb and Crush respectively, as well as middling to moderate success in WCW. Their careers were given a fresh lease of life, however, when the imposing duo were paired under the guise of a new tag team, Kronik, and proceeded to mow through the WCW tag team division on the way to winning the Tag Team Titles twice.

When Kronik were picked up by WWE in September 2001, they looked set to be a solid addition to a division already on fire courtesy of the Dudley Boys, the Hardys, Edge and Christian and more. Unfortunately, what actually happened were that they were fed to Kane and Undertaker, before being dumped back out of WWE barely weeks after they first joined. They didn't exactly blow everyone away with their technicality, in all fairness, but it's still a damn shame they couldn't have been properly utilised.

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