10 WCW Stars Who Were Fired For Unprofessional Conduct

6. Spiking The Juice

scott hall wcw nwo

A veteran luchador and a fixture in the WCW cruiserweight division, Juventud Guerrera was also a narcissistic, volatile weirdo, notorious for his overinflated opinion of himself, that by mid-2000 was manifesting itself in a really, really bad impression of The Rock that Guerrera actually seemed to believe was a real thing, not a mid-card parody gimmick.

In October, during a tour of Australia that was earmarked as a potential boost to the company’s flagging finances, Guerrera was very loudly and publically arrested for disturbing the peace, when he ripped his clothes off in the hotel’s restaurant and began screaming that he intended to kill himself. When his much larger co-workers failed to restrain the small, frothing naked man, the police were called, who happily took care of the matter with pepper spray and handcuffs.

Guerrera was found to have been under the influence of PCP, otherwise known as angel dust, a dissociative narcotic that can mimic the effects of a nasty schizophrenic episode. Sent home and fined, Guerrera had a fairly lucky escape: after all, his livelihood depended on the ability to travel without restrictions, and he could easily have been charged with assault and possession of a controlled substance.

His declaration that he’d been spiked may have saved him from prosecution, but it didn’t save him from disciplinary action back home. Juventud Guerrera was summarily dismissed from WCW… although he claims that no one actually bothered to tell him he’d been fired, and that he had to read about it in the dirtsheets.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.