10 WCW Tag Teams You Definitely Won’t Remember

3. The Power Company

The Pit Crew Dale Torborg Chad Fortune

You might've watched a few Power Company matches without even knowing it. Dave and Dean Power showed up for 13 matches on WCW television between 1997-2000. Get this: PC never actually won once during their three-year stay in the organisation.

They were jobbers then.

Jobbers with mini-feuds against everyone from The Steiners to Vicious & Delicious (Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton) though! Aside from those, The Power Company also lost handicap matches to The Giant on the 17 May 1997 and 23 May 1998 episodes of Saturday Night. In other words, they were pretty much always going nowhere in the company.

At least Dave and Dean can look back on matches against The Steiner Brothers, Big Show, Lex Luger, Booker T and others during their job-heavy careers in World Championship Wrestling. Mercifully, they experienced a bit more success outside WCW in indy promotions like Puerto Rico's IWA.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.