10 WCW Tag Teams You Definitely Won’t Remember

2. Maximum Overdrive

The Pit Crew Dale Torborg Chad Fortune
WWE Network

You'd have to be a Steiners super fan to recall these dudes.

Maximum Overdrive consisted of journeyman pros Jeff Warner and Tim Hunt. They were brought into WCW in 1990 and were instantly cast as a serious threat who could match Rick and Scott for power. Warner and Hunt were there to give The Steiners a few hard-fought wins.

That was their only real purpose. After the feud concluded at Clash Of The Champions XII, Maximum Overdrive went into reverse and the team would wheel-spin off into different directions. OK, enough car puns - they split up as a duo. Hunt disappeared completely, but Warner was repackaged as JW Storm.

Interestingly enough, Warner had worked some enhancement matches for the WWF before coming to WCW. He'd go on to work a few more in 1991 and 1992 (losing to the future Tatanka and The Undertaker, amongst others) before returning to WCW in 1999 for a Saturday Night job to Disco Inferno.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood. Jamie started writing for WhatCulture in 2013, and has contributed thousands of articles and YouTube videos since then. He cut his teeth penning published pieces for top UK and European wrestling read Fighting Spirit Magazine (FSM), and also has extensive experience working within the wrestling biz as a manager and commentator for promotions like ICW on WWE Network and WCPW/Defiant since 2010. Further, Jamie also hosted the old Ministry Of Slam podcast, and has interviewed everyone from Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels to Bret Hart and Trish Stratus.