10 WCW Tag Teams You Definitely Won’t Remember

2. Maximum Overdrive

The Pit Crew Dale Torborg Chad Fortune
WWE Network

You'd have to be a Steiners super fan to recall these dudes.

Maximum Overdrive consisted of journeyman pros Jeff Warner and Tim Hunt. They were brought into WCW in 1990 and were instantly cast as a serious threat who could match Rick and Scott for power. Warner and Hunt were there to give The Steiners a few hard-fought wins.

That was their only real purpose. After the feud concluded at Clash Of The Champions XII, Maximum Overdrive went into reverse and the team would wheel-spin off into different directions. OK, enough car puns - they split up as a duo. Hunt disappeared completely, but Warner was repackaged as JW Storm.

Interestingly enough, Warner had worked some enhancement matches for the WWF before coming to WCW. He'd go on to work a few more in 1991 and 1992 (losing to the future Tatanka and The Undertaker, amongst others) before returning to WCW in 1999 for a Saturday Night job to Disco Inferno.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.