10 WCW Wrestlers Who Were Ridiculously Overpaid

1. Booker T - Great, But Was He Worth It?

Booker T is/was great. But when he signed that contract in 1999, he wasn't even close to main event level. It was clear from 1998-on that he had potential as the next babyface to be elevated to the main event/world title level. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x46rez_nitro-22-02-1999-bret-hart-vs-booke_sport Having said that, WCW didn't push him at that level until about 17 months after he signed this contract, and it came out of nowhere without any buildup: Booker T WCW Contract Info He was at the TV championship level when he signed this deal. That's the third tier heavyweight singles title. Later on, in 2000, when Stevie Ray took the letter T from him, he was repackaged as G.I. Bro, basically a comedy gimmick that he had used as a rookie in Texas. How is that worth $700,000 or more per year guaranteed? Cynics suggested that his and Stevie's pay was inflated to somehow help combat the ever-present threat of racial discrimination lawsuits, if just because there weren't many good explanations. For comparison, fellow TV Title level star Fit Finlay made $250,000.
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WCW Booker T
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Formerly the site manager of Cageside Seats and the WWE Team Leader at Bleacher Report, David Bixenspan has been writing professionally about WWE, UFC, and other pop culture since 2009. He's currently WhatCulture's U.S. Editor and also serves as the lead writer of Figure Four Weekly and a monthly contributor to Fighting Spirit Magazine.