10 Weird Inspirations Behind Famous Wrestling Attires

3. Goldust (Oscar Statuette)

When Vince McMahon outlined his plans for the 'Goldust' character to Dustin Runnels, the big Texan didn't really know what to make of it all. McMahon wanted to create an androgynous weirdo who was soaked in traditional Hollywood atmosphere. Runnels would take things further, adding homoerotic tendencies to the character. Initially, it makes sense to theorise that the character's appearance was based on the Oscar Award statuette. The golden outfit gives it away first and foremost, but Runnels also posed for many photographs looking like a trophy. During various shoot interviews, the man has commented that he was taken aback at first by the startling change playing the gimmick promised him.
Given that the man still plays the gimmick to this day, it was a successful decision to switch things up. As time progressed, Goldust moved away from the Hollywood and movie star vibe, becoming more of a unique entity. At first however, the character was very much entrenched in being a film star. This was the origin of the gimmick, and the similar appearance between Goldust and the Oscar Award gives that away.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.