10 Weird Inspirations Behind Famous Wrestling Attires

4. Triple H (Conan The Barbarian)

Triple H is well-known for using props and big production values for his entrances at WrestleMania. At 'Mania 31, his Terminator-inspired routine was very well-received, and he has had similar cool sequences before. Most notably, at WrestleMania 22, 'The Game' became Conan The Barbarian. Set to main event the show opposite John Cena, 'Mania 22 must have been a show Triple H was looking forward to. His previous headline appearances at WrestleMania had been a mixed bag. After lackluster performances at 'Mania X-8 and XIX however, he had redeemed himself at 'Mania XX and 21. The match with Cena was a chance to hammer home his ability to produce on the grand stage.
The match ended up being excellent, but it was Triple H's entrance that set the tone. Dressed largely like a curious mix between Thor (complete with giant hammer) and Arnold Schwazenegger in the 1982 release of Conan, the wrestler looked mighty. The bottle of water he clutched did spoil the visual just a little, but the intimation that he was there for battle was clear.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.