10 Weirdest WCW PPV Main Events Ever

8. Golberg vs KroniK - Halloween Havoc 2000

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The idea of one wrestler fighting two or more opponents is a weird one at the best of times, but the story behind this handicap match makes it even more odd. 

Goldberg was booked to face the tag team of KroniK - Bryan Clark and Brian Adams - at Halloween Havoc 2000 in a match where, if he lost, he would be kicked out of WCW for good. The match was supposed to take place earlier in the night, but after the former Atlanta Falcon was laid out in a mysterious attack, it was pushed back to give him more time to heal up. 

Wow, they must have something special planned to go to all this trouble. Spoiler alert - they did not. 

Instead, Goldberg came out and handily defeated both men in a match that lasted under four minutes. That was it. 

This might have been fine if it hadn't been the focal point of the show, but the fact that it had displaced Booker T versus Scott Stener for the World title from the main event made this ridiculous decision even harder to swallow. 


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.