10 Weirdest WCW PPV Main Events Ever

7. Hulk Hogan vs The Butcher - Starrcade 1994

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Everybody's relied on a favour from a friend at some point in their lives, but few people have ever mooched off someone so successfully for so long as Ed Leslie. 

The man best known as Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake  made the most of his real-life friendship with Hulk Hogan during the height of his career. This favouritism was on full display at Starrcade 1994, which ended with Hogan defending the WCW Championship against The Butcher, AKA one of Beefer's six thousand career gimmicks. 

The Butcher had turned on Hogan earlier in the year, aligning with The Three Faces of Fear in an effort to take his bestie's title. Unfortunately for everyone watching, this meant sitting through 12 minutes of bland, uninspired wrestling from a man who had absolutely no business headlining WCW's version of WrestleMania.

Mercifully, this was the one and only time Leslie was ever put in this sort of position by a major company. Even WWE at the height of Hulkamania knew this was a bad idea, but WCW clearly didn't have the same level of clarity when it came to standing up against their biggest star. 


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.